Design, Construction and Operation of Sanitary Landfill
This service is a general construction specializing in the design, construction and operation of engineered sanitary landfill. This includes the site selection, feasibility study, regulatory compliance, infrastructure building, managing the operations, handling waste disposal, regular environmental monitoring up to the community engagement and sustainability. PhilEco aims to protect public health and the environment while managing the disposal of solid waste generated by communities and industries.
Inquire NowGarbage Collection, Hauling & Disposal
Garbage collection, hauling, and disposal services are essential components of waste management systems in communities and cities. These services are responsible for the proper removal and disposal of various types of waste and trash to ensure public health, safety, and environmental protection. PhilEco ensures that waste is safely and responsibly managed, contributing to a cleaner and healthier living environment for communities while reducing the impact on natural resources and the environment.
Inquire NowWaste-to-Energy
PhilEco is venturing into the future through Waste-to-Energy that promotes clean energy production in addition to waste reduction. This is the conversion of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into useable heat and electricity. This service will reduce the volume of waste that needs to be landfilled, can recover valuable materials from the combustion residue and can minimize air pollution through modern technology.
Inquire NowDesign, Construction and Operation of Wastewater
The design, construction, and operation of a wastewater treatment facility for domestic and industrial sewage and septage is a complex and critical undertaking that plays a vital role in safeguarding public health, protecting the environment, and ensuring the responsible management of wastewater resources. This includes the preliminary studies, site selection, design phase, construction phase, maintenance and operations, quality control, compliance and reporting in adherence to the environmental standards and Environmental Impact Assessment studies.
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